Operett: Robert Planquette - Les Cloches de Corneville (1877) (videó)

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Robert Planquette - Les Cloches de Corneville (1877)

Overture (0:00)
Act 1, Scene 1: A forest near the village of Corneville
1. Chorus – "C’est le marché de Corneville" – "On dit, sans contredit" (This is Corneville market – They say, without a doubt) (5:05)
2. Rondo – "Dans ma mystérieuse histoire" (In my mysterious history) – Serpolette (13:00)
3. Chanson du mousse – "Va, petit mousse" (Go, little cabin boy) – Grenicheux (14:53)
4. Duet – "Même sans consulter mon coeur" (Even without asking my heart) – Germaine, Grenicheux (18:38)
5. Légende des cloches – "Nous avons hélas! perdu d'excellents maîtres" (Legend of the bells – We have, alas, lost excellent masters) – Germaine, chorus (Cut due to copyright block)
6. Rondo-waltz – "J'ai fait trois fois le tour du monde" (I've been round the world three times) – Henri (22:13)
7. Chorus – "C’est affreux, odieux" (It's awful, odious!) (25:26)
Act 1, Scene 2: The Fair of Corneville
8. Couplets – "Je ne sais comment faire" (I don't know how) – Grenicheux (31:13)
9a. Chorus "Sur le marche de Corneville (On Corneville market) (32:59)
9b. Chorus "Vous qui voulez des servantes" (You who want servants)
9c. Finale – "Jeune fille, dis-moi ton nom" (Tell me your name, young woman) (37:22)
Act 2 – A Hall in the Chateau of Corneville (42:46)
10. Chorus – "À la lueur de ces flambeaux" (By the light of these torches) (43:41)
10b. Air – "Ne parlez pas de mon courage" (Do not speak of my courage) – Germaine
10c. Trio – "Fermons les yeux" (Close your eyes – Serpolette, Grenicheux, Bailiff) (46:26)
10d. Song – "Pristi, sapristi" (Serpolette) (47:45)
11. Song – "J'avais perdu la tête et ma perruque" (I have lost my head and my wig) – Bailiff (49:48)
12. Song – "Sous des armures à leur taille" (Wearing armour that fits them) – Henri, chorus (52:21)
13. Ensemble and couplets – "Vicomtesse et marquise" (Viscountess and marquis) – Serpolette, Henri, chorus (55:09)
14. Duet – "C'est elle et son destin le guide" (It is she, and her destiny guides her) – Germaine, Henri (57:11)
15. Chorus and quintet – Gloire au valeureux Grenicheux" (Glory to the brave) – Grenicheux (1:01:59)
16. Finale and couplets –"C'est là, c’est là qu'est la richesse" (This is where the money is) – Gaspard, Grenicheux, chorus (1:04:54)
Act 3 – A Park, with a statue and shrubbery
Entr'acte and dance (1:11:05)
17. Chanson des gueux – "Enfin, nous voilà transportés" (Song of the beggars – At last we are transported) – Gaspard (1:12:21)
18. Chorus – "Regardez donc quel équipage" (Look what a crew) (1:14:54)
18b. Song – "oui, c'est moi, c'est Serpolette" (Yes, it's me, it's Serpolette) – Serpolette
19. Chanson du cidre – "La pomme est un fruit plein de sève" (Cider song – The apple is a fruit full of juice) – Serpolette and chorus (1:18:19)
20. Rondo-waltz – "Je regardais en l'air" (I have looked in the air) – Grenicheux (1:21:38)
21. Romance and duet – "Une servante, que m'importe" (A maid – what do I care!) – Germaine, Henri (1:24:28)
22. Final de l'acte III – "Pour le tresor que tu nous abandonnes" (For the treasure you leave us) (1:28:17)

Germaine - Mady Mesplé
Serpolette - Christiane Stutzmann
Henri de Corneville - Bernard Sinclair
Grenicheux - Charles Burles
The Bailiff - Jean Giraudeau
Gaspard - Jean-Christophe Benoit
Gertrude/Nanette - Annie Tallard
Catherine/Suzanne - Arta Verlen
Cachalot - Jean Bussard

Chorus and Orchestra of the Théâtre national de l'opéra de Paris, conducted by Jean Doussard.
Rec. 1973

Látta 128 ember.




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